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15th session of the General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention

Saturday, 8 October 2005
access_time 2 min read

The 15th General Assembly of States Parties to the World Heritage Convention will be held in Room IV on 10-11 October. During the meeting, the General Assembly will elect twelve (12) new members to the World Heritage Committee.

Delegates attending only the General Assembly can enter the building through the Place de Fontenoy entrance, where they will be given their security badges.

The World Heritage Centre would also like to remind all States Parties candidates to the World Heritage Committee to be current with their contributions to the World Heritage Fund, before Friday 7th October, 6.00pm (Paris time).

Elections to the World Heritage Committee

The elections to the World Heritage Committee will start on Monday 10th October at 10.30am, Room VIII and will be conducted as follows:

    Provisional timetable (pending adoption by the 15th G.A.)
  • Round for the reserved seat: Monday 10 October; from 10.30am to 12.00am
  • First round: Monday 10 October; from 1.00pm to 3.30pm
  • Second round: Monday 10 October; from 6.00pm to 8.30pm
  • Third round: Tuesday 11 October; from 10.30am to 12.00am
  • Following rounds (if necessary): Tuesday 11 October: to be announced in Room IV

List of candidates for election to the World Heritage Committee

List of candidates for election to the World Heritage Committee closed on the 7th October 2005 at 6.00pm (Paris time)

  • Afghanistan**
  • Bahrain(6 yrs.)
  • Barbados* (4 yrs.)
  • Bulgaria(4 yrs)
  • Canada (4 yrs.)
  • Croatia (4 yrs.)
  • Cuba (4 yrs.)
  • Cyprus(4 yrs.)
  • Gabon* (4 yrs.)
  • Iraq**
  • Israel(4 yrs.)
  • Jordan (4 yrs.)
  • Kenya (4 yrs.)
  • Korea, Republic of (4 yrs.)
  • Macedonia (the form. Yugoslav Republic of) (4 yrs.)
  • Madagascar (4 yrs.)
  • Mauritius*(4 yrs.)
  • Morocco(4 yrs.)
  • Peru (4 yrs.)
  • Spain (4 yrs.)
  • Sudan (6 yrs.)
  • Syrian Arab Republic (4 yrs.)
  • Tanzania, United Republic of (4 yrs.)
  • Tunisia (4 yrs.)
  • Ukraine (4 yrs.)
  • United States of America (4 yrs.)
  • Viet Nam (4 yrs.)
  • Yemen (4 yrs.)


NB : Numbers in (x) indicate the period of mandate for which the State Party presents its candidature, if elected.
* States Parties with no property on the World Heritage List
** No indication on the period of mandate was provided to the Secretariat

Saturday, 8 October 2005
access_time 2 min read