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World Heritage Convention

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1976 1 GA
32 Decisions
0 Resolutions
Session: 07COM 1983close
By Year
1. The Seventh Ordinary Session of the World Heritage Committee was held at the invitation of the Government of Italy in the Villa Medicea of Poggio a Caiano, Florence, from 5 to 9 December 1983. It was attended by the following States Members of the World Heritage Committee: Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Cyprus, France, Federal Republic of Germany, Guinea, Italy, Jordan, Lebanon, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Norway, Sri Lanka, Switzerland, Turkey. 2. Representatives of the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and the Restoration of Cultural Property (ICCROM), the ...
4. In accordance with the Rules of Procedure, the session was opened by Mr. J. Gazaneo of Argentina, since the outgoing Chairman, Prof. R. Slatyer, could not attend the meeting. Mr. Gazaneo welcomed the delegates and observers and introduced the opening addresses by the Representative of the Director-General of Unesco, Mr. M. Batisse, and the Italian authorities. Mrs. L. Vlad-Borrelli, Representative of the Minister of Cultural Properties and Cultural Environment conveyed the greetings of the Minister and recalled that the town of Florence is one of the Italian cultural properties ...
7. The Committee adopted the agenda for the meeting with the amendment to discuss the difficulties encountered in evaluating nominations of historic towns after point 6 of the agenda.
8. The Committee elected by acclamation Mrs. Vlad-Borrelli (Italy) as Chairman of the Committee and Mr. da Silva Telles (Brazil) as Rapporteur. The following States were elected also by acclamation as Vice-Chairmen: Algeria, Australia, Guinea, Norway and Sri Lanka.
9. Mr. Batisse, Assistant Director General (Science Sector) presented the report of the Secretariat and drew attention to the report of the seventh session of the Bureau held on 27-30 June 1983. He noted that since that date, the 4th General Assembly of States Parties to the Convention had taken place on 28 October 1983 during the 22nd session of the Unesco General Conference. As stipulated by the Convention, the mandate of 7 countries expired and the following countries were elected: Algeria, Australia (re-election), Lebanon, Malawi, Norway, Sri Lanka, and Turkey. He indicated that 64 ...
 The Committee examined the nominations to the World Heritage List, taking note of the comments of the representatives of ICOMOS and/or IUCN which had made an evaluation of each property. The Committee decided to enter in the World Heritage List the twenty-nine cultural and natural properties as follows: Contracting State having submitted the nomination of the property in accordance with the ConventionIdentificationName of PropertyCriteria Federal Republic of Germany 271 The Pilgrimage Church of Wies C(i)(iii) Brazil 275 The ruins of Sao Miguel das Missoes It was ...
13. At its seventh session, the Bureau had expressed the wish that the Operational Guidelines (document WHC/2 Revised) be updated to incorporate the decisions taken by the Committee at its fifth and sixth sessions and the recom­mendations formulated by the Bureau at Its seventh session. The Secretariat presented the updated version of the Operational Guidelines (revised as of November 1983) and indicated to the Committee where changes and revisions had been made. The Committee took note of the updated version of the Guidelines and in addition accepted the ICOMOS recommendations concerning ...
14. The Committee noted that tentative lists for natural properties had been submitted by Brazil and Portugal, presented in document SC/83/CONF.009/INF.3. 15. The Committee was greatly interested in the ideas presented by Mr. Parent, President of ICOMOS, in his report given at the seventh session of the Bureau, notably concerning the difficulties currently encountered in applying the cultural criteria to the nominations of historic towns, cultural properties representative of a series and the criterion of authenticity. After discussion, the Committee stated its full agreement with the ...
Rila Monastery 216 Bulgaria C(vi) This property was not considered as a testimony of mediaeval civi­lisation but rather as a symbol of the 19th Century Bulgarian Renaissance which imparted slavic cultural values upon Rila in trying to re-establish an uninterrupted historical continuity. The reconstruction of Rila (1834­-1962) thus illustrates cultural criterion (vi) of the Operational Guidelines.
Wood Buffalo National Park 256 Canada N(ii)(iii)(iv) The Committee drew attention to the harmful consequences that the eventual construction of a dam on the Slave River could have on those natural characte­ristics which make the property of outstanding universal value. It therefore recommended that the Canadian authorities take all possible measures to protect the integrity of the site.
Talamanca Range-La Amistad Reserves 205 Costa Rica N(i)(ii)(iii)(iv) The Committee reiterated the Bureau's wish that the Panamanian authorities take the initiative of nominating the part of the Friendship (Amistad) Park located in their territory.
Comoe National Park 227 Ivory Coast N(ii)(iv) The Committee recommended that the authorities should consider extending the protected area to include Mts. Gorowi and Kongoli thus enhancing the ecological and touristic value of this property.